Begin to scoring a new work: a short movie by Corrado Ceron

Febbraio 13th, 2015|Categories: Applied Music, Drama, Film Scoring, Scores, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Hi, today I begin to scoring a new short movie by Corrado Ceron. Stay tuned for more updates! Title: Anna solatia (provvisorio) with Clarice Alves Director: Corrado Ceron Dop: Alberto Marchiori Edit: Ed Aldinori First Ad: Carolina Murad Music: Emiliano Imondi Mix: Alessandro Romano Rent: D-Vision & Doonkey Production: Incontrastofilm - Milagro - Madrid In&Out Coming in 2015

Un Viaggio Senza Te

Dicembre 31st, 2014|Categories: Drama, Film Scoring, Orchestral, Soundtrack|

I would inform everyone that in 2015 will be released Un Viaggio Senza Te a film by MARCO GALLO with SARA SARTINI, CARLA BARTOLI and FABRIZIO D’ALESSIO for which i have co-composed the score: music by MAKAY in collaboration with NOISE SYMPHONY | FORUM ACADEMY music composition and orchestration | EMILIANO IMONDI | MATTEO GERVASI music editors | DANIELE FRANCHITTI | LUCA PALMIERI the song UN [...]

New work for Solo Guitar “Riflessi del Cielo in una Pozzanghera”

Dicembre 7th, 2014|Categories: Chamber Music, Contemporary Music|Tags: , , , , |

Hi I am pleased to share with you that last month i composed a new work for solo guitar: Riflessi del Cielo in una Pozzanghera. Looking forward to a premiere (i hope it will come soon) i invite all of you to stay tuned for new updates on my music... Thanks

Finally here is the certificate for the course of “Music and Technology on Films” at Forum Music Village Recording Studios

Novembre 14th, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Film Scoring, Master, Soundtrack|

Great satisfaction today! Finally, after a year of work and study, here is the certificate for the course of “Music and Technology on Films”. It was organized by the Forum Academy in collaboration with IITM and MidiWare. It was held at the prestigious Forum Music Village Recording Studios in Rome, Italy … Thanks to Silvio Relandini, all other teachers and all the [...]

Great success for the premiere of IL MACELLO DI GIOBBE by Fausto Paravidino last 15>16 October at BOZAR THEATER of Brussels

Novembre 3rd, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Drama, Musical Theater, Orchestral, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | BACKSTAGE Una produzione: Teatro Valle Occupato | Fondazione Teatro Valle Bene Comune Bruxelles, 15 e 16 ottobre 2014 Bozar – Le Palais des Beaux-Arts IL MACELLO DI GIOBBE - LA BOUCHERIE DE JOB Testo e regia Fausto Paravidino; con Emmanuele Aita, Ippolita Baldini, Federico Brugnone, Filippo Dini, Iris Fusetti, Aram Kian, Angelica Leo, Vito [...]

IL MACELLO DI GIOBBE testo e regia di Fausto Paravidino | PRIMA MONDIALE 15 ottobre BOZAR – Le Palais des Beaux Arts – Bruxelles

Ottobre 9th, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Comedy, Contemporary Music, Drama, Musical Theater, Orchestral, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Bruxelles, 15 ottobre 2014 Bozar – Le Palais des Beaux-Arts IL MACELLO DI GIOBBE testo e regia Fausto Paravidin traduzione Silvia Guzzi e Lorena Cosimi con Emmanuele Aita, Ippolita Baldini, Federico Brugnone, Filippo Dini, Iris Fusetti, Aram Kian, Angelica Leo, Vito Saccinto, Monica Samassa disegno luci Pasquale Mari costumi Sandra Cardini scene Guido Bertorelli, Marco Guarrera musiche composizione collettiva [...]

15 > 16/10/2014 at Bozar Theater – Bruxelles – “Il Macello di Giobbe” by Fausto Paravidino

Ottobre 2nd, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Comedy, Drama, Musical Theater, Orchestral, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Upcoming show 15 > 16 October 2014 at Bozar Theater - Le Palais des Beaux-Arts – Bruxelles "Il Macello di Giobbe" by Fausto Paravidino Text, director: Fausto Paravidino Production: Teatro Valle Occupato with Filippo Dini, Monica Samassa, Vito Saccinto, Angelica Leo, Barbara Ronchi, Emmanuele Aita, Iris Fusetti, Aram Kian, Federico Brugnone, Ippolita Baldini COLLECTIVE MUSIC COMPOSITION [...]


Settembre 26th, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

I am proud to announce that the film-documentary LOOKING FOR A FRIEND by Karma Gava and Alvise Morato was selected as finalist for the 12th edition of BANGKOK WORLD FILM FESTIVAL Searching for a Friend film Documentary written and directed by : Karma Gava and Alvise Morato Music: Emiliano Imondi and Daniele Furlan Editing supervisor: Davide [...]

Today will be a preview of the music i’ve co-composed for “The Slaughter of Giobbe”

Settembre 16th, 2014|Categories: Applied Music, Comedy, Drama, Musical Theater, Orchestral, Soundtrack|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Tuesday 16/09 at 6.30pm at Cinema Palazzo will be performed a preview of the music for "The Slaughter of Giobbe", the new theatrical work by Fausto Paravidino produced by Teatro Valle Occupato for whom I've collaborated (together with other composers) on the composition of the music. The work will debut in a month at Bozar - Le Palais [...]

Composer Emiliano Imondi wins the 2014 edition of “The Respighi Prize”

Luglio 21st, 2014|Categories: Competition, Contemporary Music, Orchestral, Respighi Prize|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

              Winners 2014! The Respighi Prize / Il Premio Respighi, International Music Competition In collaboration with the Comune di Bologna, The Respighi Prize International Music Competition Jury is pleased to announce the 2014 Winners: Sina Kloke (pianist) of Germany and Emiliano Imondi (composer) of Italy. The jury received many well qualified applications from [...]

Film scoring session at Forum Music Village Studios

Luglio 7th, 2014|Categories: Film Scoring, Orchestral, Scores|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Film scoring session for "Un Viaggio Senza Te" written and directed by Marco Gallo at Forum Music Village Studios. Thanks to everyone for this great experience...  

Menzione d’Onore per Odisseo e Calipso al Boston Metro Opera Composers Competition

Giugno 24th, 2014|Categories: Opera, Premi|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Menzione d'Onore per Odisseo e Calipso al Boston Metro Opera Composers Competition MENZIONE D'ONORE! Sono orgoglioso di comunicare a tutti che sono stato premiato al CONCORSO DI COMPOSIZIONE della BOSTON METRO OPERA con il mio lavoro ODISSEO E CALIPSO Dramma in Musica per mezzosoprano, tenore ed orchestra liberamente tratto dai “Dialoghi con Leucò di [...]

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