Great success of the Collettivo In Opera Roma for the Concert Dedicated to Michele Cossyro

Great success of the Collettivo In Opera Roma for the Concert Dedicated to Michele Cossyro A splendid evening at Palazzo Cavallerini Lazzaroni for the closing event of the artist Michele Cossyro's exhibition. The performance/concert of the In Opera Roma collective was much appreciated and presented a program full of sound suggestions inspired by the works [...]

Great success last March 2 at the world premiere of my work Echi tra Spazio e Tempo

Premiere of Echoes Between Space and Time (orig. title Echi fra Spazio e Tempo) The last Wednesday, March 2 at the Sala del Cenacolo (Cenacle Hall) of the Complesso di Vicolo Valdina (Chamber of Deputies) in Rome was held with great success the world premiere of my latest work Echi tra Spazio e Tempo (Echoes between [...]

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